In celebration of the approval of Spinraza the Annabelle Rose Foundation organised a party called the Cirque du Spinraza where many of the community attended on Saturday.
Aswel as the life that SMA gives us with appointments, fittings, physio, hospital stays and many many battles to get what our children and ourselves deserve we all have the pandemonium of everyday life on top with school, jobs, sibblings, relationships, bills etc.
Through all the chaos and the ups and downs, the only constant that runs through our veins that never changes or disappoints is our community, the SMA community. The heart beat. The friendships that pick you up, understand, help and more recently worked together uniting to fight for treatment for ALL.
On Saturday ‘The Annabelle Rose Foundation’ held a party to celebrate the success with Spinraza. Even though we are all still fighting for others, it was important that after two and half years of the community working tirelessly that we acknowledge and celebrated all of our work so far.
Thank you Charlotte, Wayne and helpers for an amazing day and night. Here is a video of a collection of memories from a beautiful day.