New Facebook Group, ‘TreatSMA Community’s Physio and Exercise Ideas and Tips’

TreatSMA has launched a new Facebook group called TreatSMA Community’s Physio and Exercise Ideas and Tips

It is felt that, although physio has always been important, as more and more community members access treatment or are waiting to start treatment, it is now vital that people have physio in order to get the most out of the treatments.

As there is not always the provision for people with SMA to access regular physio, it is vital we facilitate the community being able to help each other.

All members of the SMA community are welcome to join the group to unite, inspire and encourage each other. Please try to post a video/photo demonstrating your exercise/physio ideas and tips in the group. Once a week an idea will be chosen to go on our physio blog which will be on this website with the person’s permission, therefore do not worry if you are not on Facebook, you will still be able to access some ideas and tips.

This group does not replace our regular Physio with Marion sessions that can be accessed live on our public Facebook page and then on here and on our Youtube to watch back. Please do continue to watch these for Marion’s extremely valuable advice to put ideas into motion!

You can request to join the group here. Please do fill out the membership questions otherwise your request will not be accepted.


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